Let’s pave the way for a common roadmaps.


planning and Strategic thinking


9.00- 9.20

Setting the scene. Key takeaways from the second Lab

Welcome and Introduction 
Let’s go further: results and open issues from Lab 2
Slide presentation Action lab 

9.20- 10.15

How to implement synergies and which can be the common roadmap?

TSG Experts: emerging trends and issues on EUSAIR flagships
Slide presentation Pillar 1 
Slide presentation Pillar 2
Slide presentation Pillar 3
Slide presentation Pillar 4  
Objectives and aims of the day
Introduction to the breakout rooms 


10.15- 12.05

ACTION LAB: Let’s discuss options for new synergies

Breakout rooms slot 1: Meet the experts
Breakout rooms slot 2: Start or stop/ Higher or lower
Breakout rooms slot 3: Cascade/ Joint/Parallel: options for complementarity and the possible roadmap
Breakout rooms slot 4: Now what? How to support the process?
Breakout rooms slot 5: Wrap up and prepare for the plenary


12.05 - 13.00

Wrap-up session AND CONCLUSIONS

Wrap-up and recap the actions agreed upon